Does your girth have the right length?

Proper girth length is essential for the comfort and performance of both horse and rider. A well-fitting girth keeps your saddle in place, preventing discomfort and injury. Why is girth length important? An ill-fitting girth can chafe, pinch or even cause movement restrictions. In addition, it can affect the rider’s stability and balance, which in […]

Check your saddle: Avoid these 3 common saddle problems

A well-fitting saddle is essential for your horse’s comfort and health as well as your riding enjoyment. But even with the best saddle, problems can arise if it is not properly maintained or checked. Do you check your saddle occasionally for these common problems? 1. Uneven Filling One of the most common problems is uneven […]

Keep your saddle in top condition: 5 tips!

With proper maintenance, you can enjoy your saddle even longer. Here are five handy tips to make sure your saddle stays in top condition: 1. Clean after use After riding, it is important to clean the saddle. First remove dirt and dust with a soft brush or dry cloth. Then you can use a damp […]