Photo shoot Frederieke Biemans and Delphine Meiresonne

Today a very nice photo shoot with Belgian Grandprix rider Delphine Meiresonne was scheduled. Photographer Kim van Garderen of KVG Photography photographed Delphine and her horse Diva. Of course, her saddle fitter Frederieke Biemans of Bie-Fit was also present.

We really like that Delphine is so pleased with her Empire Omani. She has this to say about it herself:

I always assume that a horse is not just “naughty” and I think it is very important to listen to what a horse is “telling” you.
Over the years, I have discovered that a well-fitting saddle can prevent many problems for both horse and rider. And that is exactly what I think is the strength of Empire! So much thought and testing went into it…. It is also important that they remain open to discussion to make any adjustments to get the best out of horse and rider.
The Empire Omani made me feel like I could sit in the saddle and let my horse, Diva, perform naturally with a top-notch feel. She has stopped grinding her teeth and she puts her hind leg further under, which makes for a better connection from back to front. This makes her flying canter changes almost effortless and she makes far fewer mistakes. So: happy horse = happy rider.

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What do our saddle fitters say about Empire?

“For me, the best thing about Empire saddles is that the customer gets that fine close-contact feeling with his horse, without the horse having to sacrifice freedom of movement and comfort.”

Frederieke Biemans – Saddle fitter at Bie-Fit